Heidi Erhardt
soul to soul, mine to yours
Space Holder . Guide . Facilitator
About Heidi
Heidi Erhardt has been a workshop leader, educator, dancer, martial artist and meditator for over twenty-five years. She brings a sensitive trauma-informed approach to all of her work and is devoted to creating a safe container that generates trust, depth of presence, and transpersonal growth for individuals and groups.
Certified in SoulCollage® and with a background in writing, Heidi is passionate about working with archetypal intelligence within the psyche. She has thirty-five years of plant medicine and ceremonial experience in various countries and contexts. A Certified Reiki Master, Heidi has been trained in Dharma Leadership, Psychedelic Integration Therapy, Herbalism and Aroma Therapy.
Heid is committed to somatic practices and works with an authentic dance troupe to further her own self-understanding and expression. She spends time nearly every year fasting on the land for several days in silence and solitude, and holds space for others doing the same. She works with children and youth, and is devoted to rites of passage work for youth coming of age. Her current focus is working individually with clients and hosting groups in workshops and retreat settings.
I am privileged to be based in the exquisite Coast Salish Territory, in what is now known as Victoria, BC, Canada. This unceded territory belongs to the Lək̓ʷəŋən speaking people of the Esquimalt and Songhees First Nations. I appreciate and acknowledge those that have stewarded this land before me and those that continue to work diligently to uphold those sacred traditions.
Tools & Philosophy
I care about people and I am in service to healing...
Deep listening and truly receiving the other is my practice. To the best of my capacity, I offer support and guidance, reflecting and encouraging the inner healer within my client. I know that the deepest healing emerges from authentic relationship... and I trust the process. I also use a variety of tools that I describe below and in further detail on my Intro to Tools blog.
SoulCollage® is a simple process I offer in client sessions, workshops and retreats whereby you'd make a card using images I've curated. Then through journaling prompts, you'd find insights into yourself, guided and held by your own internal healer. I am most passionate about SoulCollage and you'll see images of my own creation throughout my site as well as explanations of the power and potency of the cards in my SoulCollage blog and Suits of SoulCollage blog.
Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) brings harmony to your inner world; appreciation, consent and connection heal disparate parts for a more integrated and compassionate whole Self. I've seen true miracles with IFS work, especially for those of us struggling to accept ourselves and heal from trauma. In IFS terminology, SoulCollage cards are archetypal representations of aspects of the Self, or our "Inner Healer", emerging to guide and support us with struggles in our lives. More about this in Intro to Tools blog.
Expressive Arts Therapy is woven through many of my workshops and retreats for its function and form, finding regulation and expression through various modalities. I've been doing my own version of Narrative Therapy via a guided "Hero's Journey" for youth (in the classroom) and adults (private sessions) for decades. I'd describe that body of work as a rite of passage via writing. It is a most inspiring journey to guide and accompany my students and clients on.
Meditation and Mindfulness are a consistent practice of mine for the last 20 years (Vipassana and TM). I offer guided meditations as well as sound baths/healings with crystal singing bowls and other live instrumentation.
My greatest hope is that my care, presence and attention to your needs create a safe container for all to be seen, felt, expressed and healed. May it be so...
The mysterious world of archetypes...
All relationship is based in archetypal intelligence…
"You are far more than your personality, more than your habits, more than your achievements. You are an infinitely complex human being with stories, myths, dreams and ambitions of cosmic proportions. Don't waste time underestimating yourself. Dream big...
"Use the energy of your archetype to express the true reason you were born. Life was never meant to be safe. It was meant to be lived right to the end."
-Caroline Myss
"The primordial image, or archetype, is a figure–be it a daemon, a human being, or a process–that constantly recurs in the course of history and appears wherever creative fantasy is freely expressed. Essentially, therefore, it is a mythological figure....
"In each of these images there is a little piece of human psychology and human fate, a remnant of the joys and sorrows that have been repeated countless times in our ancestral history...."
-Carl Jung
Major Archetypes
"Unconscious of your story, you are in its grasp; but with consciousness, an alchemical process begins: The solidity of the complex dissolves and you can open up to the arrival of a new archetype, the birth of a new cycle of life. In the shadow, then, lies our myth and our fate."
- Connie Zweig
"All of the most powerful ideas in history go back to archetypes."
- Joseph Campell
We can create distance and gain perspective from our negative parts or habits by seeing them in terms of archetypes, simply playing out a role or a pattern. We can also use the archetypes as a guidepost or a beacon to help guide us out of the darkness toward that which we are destined to become...
Fall to Winter Workshops & Retreats
Come dance, SoulCollage, breathe and dive deep to explore your Self
Women's Samhain Retreat
Thursday to Sunday, October 31-November 3
Shawnigan Lake Area, BC
with Cedar Mathias
As the traditional marking of the end of harvest season, the Celtic festival of Samhain invokes both the celebration of summer's blessings as well as the invitation to turn inward. It is a time to gratefully reflect upon the abundance of the year. It also a time to begin to let go of what is no longer needed as we travel toward the dark time.
The thin veil between the worlds is lifted and connection with the spirit world is at its strongest. This is the perfect time to tune into the cycle of death-rebirth, honouring death as a precious part of life, to communicate with our ancestors and our loved ones who have died, and to bring light and compassion to the shadow parts of ourselves.
Embodied self-exploration and self-care practices are embedded throughout to support your healing process. Ritual and ceremony are the sacred catalysts. Nestled in a cedar and fir grove along a beautiful running river, nature cradles us as we deepen our connection to ourselves, to Spirit, and to one another.
This retreat is open to a small group of women who are committed to inner exploration. We'd be honoured to hold space for your deepening... ✨
What’s Included:
- Preparation Group Call
- Loving and Safe Ceremonial Container
- Two heart-opening doses of sacred plant medicines (Friday & Saturday)
- Cacao Rituals
- Expressive Arts SoulCollage Process
- Live Music Sound Baths
- Ecstatic Dance Journey
- Activities to support feeling, expressing, being witnessed and held
- Spaciousness to explore the adjoining river and forest, journal, take a bath or simply be...
- Personally Catered Delicious Meals
- Accommodation at the beautiful Riversong Lodge
- One-on-one support as needed
- Preparation and Integration Circle Sharing & Practices
- Group Integration Call
Follow-up Integration Practices (and continued support if needed)
This retreat is open to a small group of women who are committed to inner exploration. We'd be honoured to hold space for your deepening... ✨
Goddess Temple ~ Fall Equinox
6:15pm - 9pm
Wednesday, September 18th
Church of Truth, Victoria, BC
with Jazmin Love
Tis' the season to gather and celebrate our bounty. Let's come together to honour the Autumnal Equinox and our own inner harvest. Sharing our gratitude, our growth, our grief and all that we are becoming.
Goddess Temple is an intentional space for women-identifying folk where we ground in meditation, ritualize the seasonal cycles, are carried through a dance journey, and close with a sound bath to integrate the journey.
I will open the evening with a guided meditation and intention-setting followed by a brief ritual and close the evening with a crystal bowl sound healing. Please bring layers, blankets &/or a mat for your comfort during the closing.
An ecstatic dance journey follows the guided opening: a free-style movement experience featuring a diverse music set intended to invoke and ignite the wild feminine within. You are invited to move from the inside out and to be non-verbal during the dance, as a way of deepening into the journey. Full movement freedom, authentic embodiment and whole-hearted expression are encouraged. Music set curated by Jaz.
Cost: $25-$35 sliding scale; low-income rate $20-$24
Pre-registration requested. Reserve your place by sending an
e-transfer to: dancetempleinfo@gmail.com
Drop-ins also welcome.
No dance experience necessary.
~Blog Spot~
✨ thoughts, musings, and ruminations ✨
Read more...What are Archetypes? Archetypes are Foundation blocks, embedded into the very fabric of...Read more...✨ what better way to tend to the Soul... The collective unconscious consists of the...Read more...Like traditional tarot, SoulCollage has suits.The cards you create fall into these five main...Contact Me
"The only way out is to go deeper in."
- Kalani Souza
brand, site design, images and copyright © 2023 Heidi Erhardt